At the end of each year, I really enjoy going through the year’s photos and whittling down my keepers to an even 100 that I think represent my best for that year. It’s a great exercise in seeing what worked and what didn’t, how my shooting and editing style changed, and mentally revisiting some of the most magical places and moments of the year. I highly recommend it!
It’s also fun to break down my shooting preferences. Of the 93 non-drone shots in my top 100, here’s the focal length breakdown:
Ultra-wide (up to 20mm): 15
Wide (21-40mm): 32
Normal (41-60mm): 5
Telephoto (61-100mm): 12
Mid Telephoto (101-200mm): 1
Long Telephoto (>200mm): 28
So my usual trend holds: I like photographic life at the extremes, whether wide or long. My absolute favorite lens these days is the RF 100-500mm, so no surprise I’ve been shooting lots of birds and critters at the long end with that one. Oh, and I’ve been consciously trying to get away from defaulting to HDR, which was my crutch for years (and really isn’t as necessary with the dynamic range of modern sensors): this year 24 of the top 100 were HDR images. Let’s see if that number goes down in 2023!
Rather than dumping 100 photos into this post, here again is a short video to showcase them. Hope you like–and subscribe to my YouTube channel! Lots more to come in the new year. I’m excited. 🙂